
Jb4 g5 interface program
Jb4 g5 interface program

jb4 g5 interface program

Any and all relevant info is linked in this post. Anything from install directions, to firmware updates, to settings, to frequently asked questions. This is the central point of contact for all N54 JB4 related information. It is your responsibility to comply with all applicable federal and state laws relating to use of this part, and Burger Motorsports, Inc hereby disclaims any liability resulting from the failure to use this part in compliance with all applicable federal and state laws.

jb4 g5 interface program

USE OF THIS PART IN ANY OTHER VEHICLE MAY SUBJECT YOU TO FINES AND PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION OF FEDERAL AND/OR STATE LAW, WILL VOID YOUR WARRANTY FROM BURGER MOTORSPORTS, INC, AND CAN VOID YOUR VEHICLE'S WARRANTY. Competition-only motor vehicles may not be driven to a racing event on a public highway and must be transported on a trailer or other carrier. Health & Safety Code 39048) This part may only be used on competition racing vehicles operated exclusively on a closed course in conjunction with a sanctioned racing event. California law defines a "racing vehicle" as "a competition vehicle not used on public highways." (Calif. THIS PART IS LEGAL FOR USE ONLY IN COMPETITION RACING VEHICLES AS DEFINED UNDER CALIFORNIA LAW, AND IS NOT LEGAL FOR USE IN ANY OTHER MOTOR VEHICLE. Make sure you go to the settings page before you upload and select regular JB4 since there is alot of options out there now with the G5 and G5 ISO.Use subject to terms and conditions posted at It takes about 5 minutes I would say and when its done it will say upload complete. Find the new firmware you just downloaded and double click it and then click upload. click FILE and UPLOAD FIRMWARE, then click OK, and then it lets you browse to what you want to load. Then go into your car and with your foot off the brake, push the start button twice (a good way I use to check was to turn my headlights on and make sure they come on) Connect your laptop to your computer and connect to the JB4 interface. Download that to your computer and save it so you know where it is. scroll down to right under the big box that tells you what settings do what and you will see a small little hex file. download the hex file Terry puts on N54tech under JB4 firmware, software ect. Before I had my G5 ISO I remember the 6/10 firmware and the 8/21 is better in my opinion. I would def upload the newest firmware Terry has for the JB4.

Jb4 g5 interface program